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Update #2: Layout and More

So as you may have noticed my blog has had a little makeover. I spent the last couple of weeks making all of the graphics and I've been teaching myself CSS - I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with the result!

I have also bought a domain and am planning on moving to wordpress soon but this is where I need some help. Wordpress themes differ quite a bit to blogger templates but I really want to use this layout when I'm on wordpress, and sooner rather than later if possible. I'm trying to teach myself how to create Wordpress themes but any help/advice you can give me would really help! If you or anybody that you know is any good at PHP or has made Wordpress themes in the past I would love to get in touch. In other news I am officially home from university now and so you will be seeing a few slightly different backgrounds in my photos. I've got some exciting things lined up this summer which I really can't wait for - for example, if you're reading this just after it's gone up then I'm probably at IMATS aka in makeup heaven so look out for a post about that.

What do you think of the new layout? Have any of you been to IMATS before?

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