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Michael Savage gets perverted and talks porn and his hate and anger at its existence

Bernardo Romano
   Dr Michael Savage is an insane right-wing radio syndicate host  that talks to his poodle on the air and is obsessed with politics and culture. Michael Savage hates porn and for some reason talked about porn this week on his huge national radio show and he put blame for pron for the declining birth rates in this country as more and more boys are unable to initiate relationships and establish families as he says due to their addiction to porn. Dr Savage has it wring as pron has been declining for years and few young men and boys even think of it as their mind is more on sports and video games and only fake streaming bots view porn these days yet if one were to hear Dr Savage one would think porn can be attributed to every problem in America.
Michael Savage got perverted and took calls of dudes who talked about their obsession with pleasing their meat and viewing porn and whether Dr Savage likes it or not as long as you are gong t have broadcast videotaping some segment of it will be developed to having porn viewed and spread Michael Savage refuses to allow his dog Teddy view any doggie porn. Savage was in particular bad mood abut porn after seeing the infamous Nigga Lamp sequence on his Facebook account. Michael Savage wants pron outlawed because he and his Teddy Bear get turned on whenever he comes across it and he cant prevent form watching it being also lonely old man with a bad hat and goes to expensive restaurants with his  dog at his side in shit city San Francisco. Part of the problem with shit on the street does not have anything to do with the homeless but more in fact that every urban fuck tard needs the company and companion of a pet dog and as head of the anti-Pet Association charity and dogbite.org we seek to outlaw dog slaver and imprisonment. I wonder how Dr Savage would feel if people got serious of the economic problem and dangers increased production and pollution to planet form the human demand to enslave and yell /talk to dogs all day?

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