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The Pagan Witch Photoshoot

At last when the weather spared me from the freezing cold which prevented me from holding my camera in my hands, I had done a pagan photoshoot with the lovely Maria.
I met her at a concert in February [?]. I saw her from a far and noticed she had blue hair. She looked so pretty to me I decided to come to her after the show and suggest doing a photoshoot with her.
This was the first time I ever introduced myself to someone with the interest of making photos. I frankly just wanted to know her as a person before I thought about photograohy, because she seemed so special to me, and I mainly felt awkward just walking towards her saying my name, which is hers too.

So as I promised her we went to a forest near Treptower Park where I had the Post Punk photoshoot from the previous post.
It was a great pleasure. I never had such beautiful feminine photos on the one hand, and dark Black Metal photos on the other. I am really happy of this bi polarity, I believe the wanted something personally special of this photoshoot and we both got it in different ways.
The atmosphere was so calm and nice, I really felt harmony inside doing what I do, planning and not planning  different compositions. I still believe Photography is the art of randomness.

From my DeviantART page.

I am so honored to be able taking a kind of pictures I never did!!! I don't even know which "side" of this shoot I like most. Everything looks beautiful to me, and Maria sure fitted well to this role. I don't think someone else would have.

What do you think? Opinions and mostly critique is always welcome. Improving myself is very important to me.
Thank you for the attention!

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