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     Just a quick thought today, as I have yet another Day From Hell® scheduled and I need to get my ass in gear before the first of the Furies arrive.

     The esteemed Dystopic says something highly relevant this morning:

     He has his flaws, but a Trump presidency is unlikely to continue the trend of systemic reality denial on the part of the people. His bombastic behavior will either be true, in which case he will do some good by shedding light on it, or will be wrong… and promptly pounced on by every self-anointed fact checker on the Internet.

     But Hillary’s political machine will slowly but surely bend the people in the direction she wants to go. Or, at least enough of them to hold on to power, at any rate.

     Now, there are two ways to interpret the second paragraph. The first interpretation is as a prediction for what would happen were Clinton to gain the presidency. In that sense, I consider it optimistic. Hillary Clinton is far less restrainable than her husband proved to be. She has no respect for the law, including the Supreme Law, the Constitution. Moreover, if Republican legislators’ timorous behavior over the past eight years will serve as a predictor, even large GOP majorities in both Houses of Congress would probably acquiesce to the greater part of her wishes.

     The second interpretation, which Dystopic probably didn’t have in mind, is as a prediction of what would follow should Clinton lose on November 8. The Clinton machine would not dissolve into a puff of smoke. It would probably make common cause with what remains of the Kennedy / Obama alliance to engineer the most appalling possible failures for the Trump Administration, thereby “proving” that the Republicans can’t govern, that Trump is a mistake, and so forth. That strikes me as the most promising path back to hegemony for the Democrat Party...and I’m sure the possibility is already being explored by the Evil Party’s strategists.

     The hopeful possibility that has convinced me to support Donald Trump derives from what happens to a tree when it’s “girdled:” i.e., when a continuous cylinder of its trunk is stripped of all bark. Water is conducted from the roots to the trunk, branches, and leaves solely by the bark. The interruption of its water supply guarantees that the tree will die of dehydration.

     A Trump Administration, should it prove to be better than other recent Republican administrations at effectuating its declared intentions, might succeed in interrupting the Left’s nutrient streams – money, patronage jobs, and “compromise” concessions from the Right – for four to eight years. Even though some of the richest people in the world back the Left, that might cripple or kill it in the fashion of girdling a tree.

     Political forces cannot survive long interruptions in their funding, their acquisition of entry-level and mid-level positions in government, and increments of “progress” that keep their allegiants enthusiastic for The Cause. When those three sources of nutrition are severed, the rank and file swiftly become disillusioned. They turn to other involvements, leaving a remnant of true believers who do nothing but complain to one another and reminisce about the Good Old Days.

     I can’t assess the likelihood of such a development from here. But the possibility, even if heavily against the odds, is definitely worth playing for. So please vote for Donald J. Trump for president on November 8.

     Perhaps I’ll be back later.

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