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Transvestite Nation comes out in attacks and pressures Netflix to cancel David Chappelle

 Dominick D'Souza

   The transvestites in this country that number less than one half of one half percent of the US population took to twitter and have been attacking comedian Dave Chappell because he dunked their myth that there are no gender differences and not matter how much make up the apply, how many Pink pantyhose they have in their wardrobe , or how many wigs they purchase these transvestites will never be able to become women. The transvestite nation has totally gotten out of control and in thier madness members of the LGBTVIAQTR community is arrogantly thinking they can cancel the fame comedian Dave Chappel who starred in the movie "Con Air" with Nicolas Cage. Chappell's

Netflix special the closer has drew the re of leftists worldwide who have never seen a man in drag they did not live nor wish to defend and the transsexuals will go after anyone who doesn't promote an push end-oration for this group of oddball screwballs of privileged which are members of the wanabee another gender community. There is a planed march onto Dave Chappell's sprawling 500 acre estate in the Hollywood Hills and many Netflix transferal workers are refusing to work and boycotting their

jobs as one in particular stormed a meeting of Netflix executives to voice his disapprove that the famous and popular comedian n still has a special on Netflix despite his vicious anti-transvestite rhetoric. Dave Chappell is under attack y the neurotic and eccentric weirdos in society angered that he called them out on his Netflix special and told them they are wrong about facts and that there is such a thing as gender and it exists whether they want to accept it in their world view and people who believe  men can give birth or men can be women are akin to those who believe the Earth is flat and these geeks in pantyhose and wigs need to be called out for their bullshit. Dave Chappell made fun of transgender clothes obsessed weirdos they need to just have to accept it and they need to act and be like a man instead of something they are not. 

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